Harry Who?


Harry who?

or...Harry and the people who can't live if living is without him.

Harry Nilsson was born on June 15, 1941

Start here for the most complete discography, articles, and yes even Harry merchandise: www.jadebox.com (my favorite site on the web)

If you ever get out see these pages as well also:

  1. http://user.aol.com/Bansley/olton/
  2. http://www.eas.asu.edu/~kdooley/harry.html
  3. http://www.allentertainment.net/bio.html
  4. http://entrenet.com/dgrose/nilsson.html
  5. http://www.bandshack.com/MarcHarry/
  6. http://www.geocities.com/llburk/nilsson/nilsson.html

If you have a Harry page let me know.

I'd love to share with you regarding Harry Nilsson, his life and his music. 
For more information email me at: Nilssonian(a)Yahoo.com or Twiiter @nilssonian