Best Moveby Nilsson - Van Dyke Parks - Hazelwoodfrom the performance of Harry Nilsson on the 1981 Mercury Records album: Flash Harry You've just made the best move that you've ever made.Ever made Ever made You've just made the best move that you've ever made. Ever made Ever made How can it take so long Its just another song Doo doo doo doo doo la la la la doo doo doo (etc.) La la la, la la, la la la, la la yeah yeah yeah Hey hey hey You've just made the best move that you've ever made. Ever made Ever made You just made the biggest glass of lemonade Lemonade Ay-ah Ay-ah (note: could be spanish for her: ella) Ay-ah Ay-ah Ay-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ooo ooo oooo How can it take so long It's just another song Doo doo doo, doo doo da da doo doo doo . La la la, la la, doo doo doo la la la, la la Hey hey hey You've just made the best move that you've ever made. Ever made Ever made Don't forget the Wesson oil and mayonnaise Just in case I love you This is the end This is the end This is the fade This is the end This is the end There goes my main (?) This could be the best fade that you ever played Ever played Ever played Say it Would you mind undressing while I serenade? Serenade Serenade Ay ah ay ah (? Ella ella ) Ay ah ay ah Ay ah ay ah |
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