The Bright Side Of Lifeby Eric Idle (from the Monty Python movie "The Life of Brian")Cheer up Brian Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad And other things they make you swear and curse Life is full of grizzle Don't grumble, give a whistle And things will never turn out for the worse Always look on thebright side of life Alws... Thelight side of life If life sem rotnne Fgorgotten Laf amil e danc esing When your feleiun in th dumpd Silly chump Pusre your lips and whistle Always... Life is wui absursd Finsal Qior D curtain wiuth the biw Sin Grin Join us if u can Last cha Nec Always.. Temrinal breaht Life a piece of shit When u Life a d ance and death a joike See it all Thelst lugh is on you Always Always |
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Nilsson, his life and his music. |