Driving Along


Driving Along

by Harry Nilsson

Driving along, you can see all the people

Who seem to have nothing to say to each other.

Each day they go farther and farther away from each other.

Driving along, you can spot all the problems

On faces so tired, facing each other.

Each day they grow farther and farther away from each other.

Driving along at fifty seven thousand miles an hour.

Look at those people standing on the petals of a flower.

Look at those petals pumping for a little bit of power.


Driving along, you can spot all the problems

On faces so tired,, facing each other.

Each day they grow farther and farther away from each other.

They seem to say nothing, they seem to go nowhere,

They seem to go farther, they seem to go nowhere,

They seem to go farther, they seem to go nowhere,

They seem to go farther, and farther and farther

And farther and farther and farther and farther

And farther and farther and farther and farther

And farther away from each other.

I'd love to share with you regarding Harry Nilsson, his life and his music. 
For more information email me at: Nilssonian(a)Yahoo.com or Twiiter @nilssonian